Akash Mondal

Software Engineer

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About Me

Hi! Iā€™m Akash Mondal, Thank you for stopping by! I am a third year undergraduate student at Indian Institute of technology Kharagpur! This little website is my internet home to share my experiences and guide others academically based on my experiences. I am a coder and a blogger in my free time! I enjoy writing efficient code, and want to build products that make an impact on a large scale! Apart from coding I love playing badminton and reading blogs! I am also an avid cricket and Harry Potter fan. On a more personal level, I’m constantly trying to learn and explore new skills.

Here’s more about My posts.


CodeFire Technologies Pvt Ltd


1. Factoid Q/A System: Built an IR-based factoid question-answering system from scratch, capable of answering queries related to school admission, fetched answers using nltks WordNet-based Word Similarity method.

2. FRT Prediction: Predicted FRT Rate using DNN and supervised Machine Learning models with test set accuracy nearly 90% in a limiting dataset containing historical transportation data and also analyzed the seasonal effect on the same

3. Web Content Extractor: Developed a tool to extract less structured web content from noisy webpages that appear only once like Headline, Author Name, Published date, Story etc. of news articles

Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

Internship(Mentor: Prof. Bhargab Maitra)

Developed a toolkit in MATLAB to investigate the operational viability of private buses taking an existing route in Kolkata by calculating average waiting time. Used MATLAB Johnson-curve-toolbox to find a pdf from available past passenger arrivals (scheduled/random) distribution data.



Developed a simple expanse and income manager using PHP backed server and MySQL as the backend database, where any individual can keep track of their expanse and income using user-authentication features(login, logout, and register). Link: Expense Tracker


IIT Kharagpur

June 2016 - Present

Bachelor of Technology

Third year undergraduate student, majoring in Civil Engineering, courses Algorithm and Data Structure, Core Database, Machine Learning, Probability & Statistics, Financial Management, Basic Electronics.

JNV Jamtara

July 2013 - April 2015

Intermediate of Science

Completed matriculation from High School, Nala, Jamtara(JAC) and Intermediate of Science from Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Jamtara(CBSE)


CNN For Car-Recognition

A simple convolutional neural network for car recognizer using keras library that achieves over 95% accuracy, and capable of predicting images of same aspect ratio

Information Sharing Platform

Build a Quora like web application using PHP backed server. Designed the database schema from scratch and used MySQL as backend database Implemented newsfeed, create topic, reply, user-authentication features (login, logout, register) from scratch and follow features.

Sentiment Identification

Build a deep neural network for sentiment identification using Tensorflow and python NLTK, capable of differentiate words like good with bad, sad with happy i.e. pos and neg words.


Machine Learning, Deep Learning, nlp, Computer Vision

Html, Css, javascript, PHP5, MySQL

Algorithm-I, Data Structure

Global Rank-12 and India Rank-9(2nd in collage) in ACM-ICPC Asia Kolkata-Kanpur Onsite Replay Contest 2017 Competition at www.codechef.com. Team name: kgp16ce.
